December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!

lol, haven't posted in this blog for a few centuries... Still, I'm back now (for now :P)

It doesn't really matter what and how you give your gifts; It is the thought that really matters after all =v=
 Have a Merry Milky Christmas Everyone! :3

Original Pic: This Pic from dA
Done in 5h 16m  with my beloved Mouse

February 16, 2010

... Still under construction

I am not yet posting here. I just need more time to do some things. Anyway, I am the only person viewing this blog.

An update: Adsense rejected my application to monetize my blog. The reason:
"Unacceptable site content"
Haha! But still I will improve on this blog to make them approve my application. If you can see the ads, just use firefox and install adblock plus. In that way, you cannot see any ads on any page