September 30, 2009

Hahaha! I have my USB with me

Have you ever heard of the phrases “Do you have your USB with you?” or “Will you let me borrow your USB for a while?” Haha! They’re (give me a lighter term for that, I don’t want to offend ignorant people, lol) just like that. Those are called USB drives, USB flash disks, removable disks (can be synonymous to external HDDs), flash drive, flash disks or whatever. (If you are using the correct sense, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THE USB?)

If you say that, you’re not using those phrases, (not the exact phrases, of course!) and are saying, “I’ll plug my phone to the USB” or “Hey! My FLASH DRIVE’s is still plugged to the USB!” you’re still one of them! Haha!

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It is a bus (not the vehicle), which means that it is a connection that lets the hardware components transfer data from each other. And a USB is a bus that is external that allows Plug and Play capabilities, which means that you do not need to restart your computer to activate or use the device properly. It also allows data transfer up to 12 mbps (not bad, but you should appreciate its capabilities. You should not always take everything for granted)
IN SHORT: It is a communications line, not the drive and not the port. Understand?

REMEMBER: (If you’re one of those mentioned above) Flag this one as inappropriate! XP

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